Arts Explored # 6- Painting with Scissors

Arts Explored # 6-
Painting with Scissors
My idea of a creative art project to do with older children is using corrugated cardboard to create designs.  I call this activity Designing with Scissors.
·         Corrugated cardboard
·         Scissors
·         Pencil
·         Eraser
1) Draw a design on the cardboard, colour in parts of the cardboard you want to remove

2) Open the scissors up, and gently using the blade of the scissors cut into the cardboard lightly

3) When the cardboard’s first layer has been cut start to pull and remove the top layer exposing the corrugated

4) Continue to do this for the whole design cutting all the shapes and exposing the corrugated part

Example of the finished product:

I actually did this kind of activity in art class in grade seven. I felt this was a very interesting and unique idea because it created an interesting pattern when the product was complete.  I felt this activity was a great example of how to “blank” with scissors!
This blog inspired me to create me own unique paint with “blank”.  After reading the title for this blog I started to think of different substances we can paint with.  This made me think back to projects my mother and I would do during the holidays.  As well this idea had come at a great time as I had to bring something to a potluck dinner, and hence my new activity idea was born.
Painting with Chocolate!
My friends and I were having a surprise potluck dinner for our friend’s birthday.  She happens to have an interest in Pokémon, and plays Pokémon games still to this day.  From many moons ago my mom had chocolate moulds that make Pokémon.  It requires a steady hand, paint brushes, tooth picks and a lot of chocolate.

The first step is to do the colour details of the Pokémon including eyes, mouths other small details and their body colour.

Once the coloured details have been done you heat chocolate in a bag and squeeze it into the mould.  At the end you are left with something so awesome looking you hardly want to eat it!

This is my chocolate Pikachu and Charmander, all made from the comfort of my very own kitchen!
Future Implications
In the case of activity this is not to be done with young children it can be dangerous.  I think giving children a new perspective on how they can use art materials, or materials in general is a great idea.  It is also important to encourage children to come up with creative ideas themselves.  If a child has a safe environment where they feel free to use materials in non intended ways their art and play will go to a whole new level.  For example opening scissors to use them like a blade is a pretty simple thing to do, but it creates a whole new set of possibilities.  For example opening scissors and using the blade can be used for other things such as curling ribbon. 

The definition of balance according to Schirrmacher and Fox is “The result of how space is used” (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 363).

I feel that in the case of my art activity Designing with Scissors there needs to be a certain balance between corrugated surface and smooth surface.  If there is too much corrugated surface and not enough smooth surface than the rough texture takes up too much of the art and the texture is almost lost.  If there is too much smooth space than corrugated surface is not shown to be the highlight of the project.  Therefore depending on the design the artist is going for they need to find the perfect balance between the two surfaces.

Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for
       young children (6th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmar.

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