Arts Explored # 8- Pretend Play

Arts Explored # 8-
Pretend Play
This is my best friend, his name is Benjamin.  Benjamin, or Ben as he likes to be called for short is one of my closest friends.  He is super dependable, and I can always count on him for support.  Lately though Ben has been having some issues.  What Ben wants more than anything is to meet the love of his life, and as he has been a stand up kind of guy always by my side providing me with proper fluid balances I have decided to come up with a dating profile for Ben to help him find a lucky lady!

About Ben
Ben is a 20 year old student.  He is a very dependable friend, and is always there to lend a helpingg hand or shoulder to cry on.  Ben is the type of friend you can bring to any event without the worry that he will embarrass you.  He is a strong advocate for the environment, and strongly thinks people should reduce, reuse and recycle.  Ben is also very family oriented, and loves spending time with his parents, 2 sisters and 1 brother.  Ben is the oldest in his family, and has grown up to be a very responsible person.

Likes: Ben likes long walks on the beach, riding his bike both for fun and to get from point A to point B, playing with his dog and trying new and interesting food.
Dislikes: Ben dislikes people who don’t take the time to recycle, smokers, when people are late and waking up early on Sundays as it is his day of rest.
Hobbies: Biking, Camping
Goals: Ben wants to graduate school and work for the ministry of the environment to try and make a change in the world.  Ben would also like a family one day.
Idol: His parents and Al Gore

What is Ben looking for: Ben is looking for a long-term commitment.  He is not the kind to date around, and is truly a romantic at heart.  He wants to find a woman to settle down with.
Ben’s ideal date:  Ben’s ideal date would involve starting the date off with an environmentally friendly method of transportation to the beach, followed by a picnic at sunset.
*Anyone who thinks Ben sounds like a great catch and thinks they could be his special lady should message me so I can hook you two up.

Future Implications
As a future educator I feel as though using your imagination is something no one can take away from you.  I often find myself day dreaming now, and were I no longer able to that would take a huge part of me away.  As a child I would always play with Barbies using my imagination to come up with intricate plots.  Part of my play included coming up stories about the characters.  Giving children the opportunity to assign an inanimate object a personality would be a difficult task, and a true test of their creativity and imagination.

The definition of mass according to Schirrmacher and Fox is “ refers to a solid, three-dimensional body that has height, length and width.” (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 366). 

In the case of “Ben” he has mass. 

Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for
       young children (6th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmar.

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